Are you a Friend of Leazes Park? – become a member or make a one-off donation today!
Subscription is only £5 per year - or however much you care to donate. More generous donations are always welcome and please note that all contributions can be Gift Aided.
What will I get for my membership fee?
A team of fellow Friends campaigning to keep our park safe, clean and well maintained.
A regular newsletter delivered to your door or by email if you prefer.
A programme of free talks which cover a wide range of interesting topics
How do I become a member?
Simply contact our treasurer with your details and make your payment by any of the usual methods including standing order, direct bank payment, cheque or cash.
Virgin Money Bank Account:
Friends of Leazes Park 05-06-23 43380489
Janice Hall, Treasurer, Friends of Leazes Park, 9 Leazes Crescent, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LN